ET Lab Home
Jason Wang
Jason Wang
51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Astronomy
Jason Wang
51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Astronomy
Cahill Astrophysics
Mail Code:
MC 249-17
Former 51 Pegasi b fellow at Caltech, now Assistant Professor at Northwestern University.
I am interested in pushing new technologies for studying how planets form and evolve. Using the latest advances in high contrast imaging, high resolution spectroscopy, and long-baseline optical interferometry, I study the dynamical history and composition of Jovian-like exoplanets beyond the water ice-line to understand how they form and how they influence their planetary systems. To make these complex techniques broadly accessible, I also lead the development of several open-source software packages in these areas. In the future, I hope to apply these techniques to image an Earth-like planet around another star.
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