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Jean-Baptiste Ruffio
Jean-Baptiste Ruffio
David and Ellen Lee Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Astronomy
Jean-Baptiste Ruffio
David and Ellen Lee Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Astronomy
Mail Code:
MC 249-17
Former Prize Postdoc fellow at Caltech. Now Research Scientist at UCSD.
The overarching goal of my research has been the development of statistical analysis tools to push instrument's performance and better understand the population and formation mechanisms of exoplanets. My projects have a strong emphasis on directly imaged planets and high resolution spectroscopy, which are particularly well suited for the study of their atmosphere and composition. The challenge of direct imaging is the intrinsic faintness and proximity of the planets to their parent star. Limiting the starlight contamination at the location of the planet is paramount, which makes it one of the main drivers of my work.
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